Speaker Details
The Details information of the Speaker is given below:

Banu Tanja Kaundar (Malaysia)
Dr. Banu Tanja Kaundar is an International Corporate Trainer and Director of DR BTK CONSULTANCY. She is also holding an important position in Business Chambers such as Kuala Lumpur International Chamber of Commerce (KLICC) and Negeri Sembilan Chamber of Commerce (NSICCI). Her expertise in Sales & Marketing, leadership related trainings and Business coaching. She received her PhD from International American University and M.Phil. from National University of Malaysia. She has several awards and achievements to her credit, some of which are American's Business Coaching & Training Excellence Award (2023); Malaysian Ambassador for the International Global Youth Peace Fest of Chandigarh, India (2017); Best Country Coordinator Award of World Youth Conference (2016); International Speaker Award of World Youth Conference (2016); Ambassador of International Encounter Programme, Frankfurt, Germany (2013); Ambassador of JENESYS (by Sachiko YAMANO, President of Japan International Cooperation Center), Youth Icon Award from Nepal, and many more.